CountyRealty Jackson County Rental Referrals
Rentals in Jackson County are not the easiest to find. Demand is very high and supply is pretty low; sometimes there are few to no rentals available at any price. Finding a rental is a competitive sport! I hold no open rental units in Jackson County; but I still may be able to help you find a local residence to rent. I keep in touch regularly via email with approximately three dozen local landlords. I do not offer their names, or email addresses, to anyone. What I do is provide a referral of your rental needs to them. If they can help you, I am confident they will contact you. Hopefully this will result in a new rental for you to move into. Please have a look at this page that addresses rental scams. Information to include in your rental request should include:
To be clear, I provide the referral. The rest is between you and whatever landlord that might reply to you. This is not an automated system, I process each request myself. I do not actively hunt rental properties for people; or provide any other services other than providing the referral. No promises, but it can't hurt. You should know that I use this email to provide the referral, and as a source of very rare email messages from me. This information is not used by CountyRealty for any other purpose whatsoever. Additionally, if your income is not enough to support paying rents, I encourage you to contact the Seymour Housing Authority and/or Human Services to see if they can offer any sort of subsidy to help you pay rents. Seymour Housing Authority: 812-524-2152 and Human Services: 812-522-8718. Fair Housing is the Law. To find out about fair housing, please use this link as a starting point. If you are curious about what the Federal Government has determined to be "Fair Market Rents" (FMR) have a look at this site and drill down to Jackson County Indiana. Data for 2019 show FMR for an Efficency: 517; a One Bedroom: 602; a Two Bedroom: 743; a Three Bedroom: 1021; and a Four Bedroom: 1188. Hope this helps! Steve Freeman, Broker/Owner * A pet is not the same as a service animal. CountyRealty Rental Referrals (Last revised/reviewed Feb 2020) CountyRealty / CountyRealty.Com is wholly owned by Steve Freeman ©2000-INFINITY; All Rights Reserved. CountyRealty is committed to the letter and spirit of the US policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the nation. CountyRealty encourages and supports affirmative advertising and marketing programs in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin. |